Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Book Review: How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity: A Guide to Financial Freedom

I am reviewing a different kind of book this month, mostly because I think it was hilarious and must be shared. My sister pointed me toward this book, by Patricia Carlin (Quirk Books, 2014). I read it in a couple hours and laughed more than I do watching an episode of Seinfeld. Carlin is clever and funny and captures pop culture purrfectly.

I am pretty sure my sis found this book looking for actual advice, as she has a cat cuter than the Grumpy Cat. There are some poignant thoughts about cats as internet sensations in the book, and a lot of silliness that is fun for cat owners and YouTube browsers alike. I could not identify my cat in her analyses of celebrity cat types, but perhaps my cats are not destined for internet fame. Alas my financial freedom will have to be found elsewhere.

Although I have some gems, trying to outdo the Grumpy Cat with my annoyed meezer. Here she is in a party hat!


  1. I will do this with my cat. It will be a grand ol time!

  2. I will do this with my cat. It will be a grand ol time!
